Frog And Froggie
Frog and Froggie were in a heavy debate about all the excuses that were being tossed back and forth between the two of
them, the debate seemed hopeless when it came to solving the main topic as they both claimed other’s had just as many
excuses for not doing something as they did.
Miss Lily being the two’s Sunday school teacher overheard the two debating and joined right in, and what happened
when I ask you to do your homework for next Sunday? Right away Frog said, “I couldn’t finish my homework because
I had company and the week just wasn‘t long enough.” Froggie claimed, “I didn’t do my homework, because
I had to many chores to do and had to rest a little.” Each time Miss Lily ask the two something another excuse was made
for not doing what they were ask, and she knew she had to do something to teach these two, you couldn’t live on excuses
Miss Lily decided to call Professor Pod who was a teacher by trade and a Sunday school teacher on weekend’s to see
if he could help these two learn there was more to life then excuses. Professor Pod was a jolly ole guy, but the two knew
he carried a firm hand and had decided to listen to what he had to say as they had seen the strength of these big firm hand’s
on the seat of there pants in the past, and knew he wouldn‘t pay attention to a lame excuse of any kind.
Miss Lily stood by Frog and Froggie watching them closely as Professor Pod spoke to them in his gentle but firm voice.
“Do you two say your prayers before going to bed?” One chimed in saying, “Sometimes,” the other one
said, “Yea, if I don’t fall asleep first.”
“Oh so the Lord has to deal with your excuses to, does he?” They both answered truthfully saying, “Yes,
I guess he does.” Mr. Pod moved back and forth before asking “and what do you do if your mother say’s, “Frog,
Froggie do the dishes now.” “Easy said Froggie, “I tell her, I’m busy and will do them later,”
“and does she allow this excuse?” ask Professor Pod, “Sure she does after all she’s the one who taught
us how to use all these excuses.” “Ummm, fine then, what if your dad tells you to clean up the yard?” “Same
thing, we just tell him we’ll do it when we finish doing what were doing, or when we come back home as we have plans.”
“Ummm, and he accepts your excuse’s just like that?” “Sure he does, he does the same thing to mom
when she ask him to do something for her, Oh yea, and you should hear him give excuses to his boss for not coming to work.”
“Hmmm, so your parent’s use excuses a lot as well, right?” “Sure do, just like grandma and grandpa,
and everyone else we know.”
“Well what if the Lord gave you excuses instead of answering your prayer’s?” “Oh he wouldn’t
do that, he’s suppose to do what we ask, when we ask,” the two said laughing heartily.”
“Oh my, my, you two will be fooled one day when a prayer isn’t answered as you seem to forget you fell asleep
or had to finish your chores and never finished asking for this or that to be done. So can you see? God doesn‘t need
to use excuses, you take care of that yourself and then blame him, for something not getting done in your life.” “Hey,
I never thought of that,” said Frog.” “Froggie piped up saying, “Hey, any excuse beats no excuse at
all, Right?” “No! not right, because excuses are small lie’s and are said to be excuses to get you out of
doing something you don’t want to do.” “O wow, I never thought of that!” “Boy, if mom and dad
knew that, they’d be mad for sure, because that’s one rule we follow in our house big time, don’t lie for
any reason or you’ll see punishment for sure.”
Miss Lily smiled as she knew these two had finally realized why you must not use excuses at any time, as it could turn
out to be a lie if the excuse wasn’t true because someone just didn‘t want to do what they were ask to do at the
time. So now, she had high hope’s that these two would teach other’s the thing’s they learned here today.
Frog and Froggie both thanked there faithful teacher’s for teaching them the importance of not using made up excuses
over and over again because the punishment would surely come in the end, and they both knew they had to ask for forgiveness
so they could move on with their lives in good standing with the Lord.
The Lord will not accept any excuses on Judgment day.
An excuse, is a lie if it isn’t true.
Thou shalt not lie!!! Right?
Then why are excuses so accepted today? when in fact most of them are all based on lie’s.
Be Blessed In The Lord Today,
Pastor Danny