It was announced that the Devil was going out of business and would offer all tools for sale to whomever would
pay his price.
The night of the sale they were attractively displayed. Even so, they were a sorry-looking lot malice, hatred,
envy, jealousy, sensuality, adultery, deceit, abuse of all kinds and all the other influences of evil. These were spread out,
each one with its own sign.
Apart from the rest lay a harmless looking wedged-shaped tool, much worn and with a price higher than any
of the others tools on display. Someone asked the Devil, "What is that?" "That is discouragement," he answered. "Why do you
have it priced so high?" the prospective purchaser inquired. "Because," answered the Devil, it’s more useful to me than
any of the others. I can pry open and get inside a mans consciousness with that when I cannot get near him with any of the
other tools I've picked up. Once I get inside his mind with discouragement, I can use him in whatever way it suits me best.
The reason this tool is so worn is that I use it on nearly everybody, but very few people know it belongs to me.
It might be added that the Devils price for discouragement was so high that it never was sold. So beware of
discouragement when it enters in!!!
Sent to us by one of the men serving time at
San Quentin, Ca.
God Bless You dear friend as this story has truly
opened our eye's.